Toastmasters InternationalNI-Speechmeisters

Toastmasters International organization includes approximately 180,000 members in 54 countries, including Australia, the Bahamas, Canada, Ireland, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America.

Toastmasters Down Under: Australia

Far East Toastmasters: Japan

Det finns en öppen klubb i Sverige Toastmasters (?): Sweden

Hockey and Toastmasters 'eh: Canada

Nelson Mandela is free to speak at Toastmasters: Southern Africa

The wall is down, now go join Toastmasters: Germany

Big Ben, The Queen, and Toastmasters: England

Toastmasters is International: Overseas

You may be very surprised by how many clubs there are in our area. Here is a listing of Toastmasters Texas-Style:

District 55 Toastmasters

District 55 encompasses Austin, San Antonio, & Corpus Christi.
District 55 Governor: Lark Doley, DTM
Division K Governor: Carolyn Graugnard, CTM
Area K-52 Governor: Cathy Smith, ATM-S

Toastmaster District Web Pages

Links to Austin clubs with web sites:

Capital City



Greater Society

Lake Austin Metropolitan


UT SysteMasters

UT Undergraduates

Link to a San Antonio club with a web site:

San Antonio Singles

Link to a Corpus Christi club with a web site:

MBA Toastmasters-Harlingen

Complete listings for all clubs in the world can be found at If you cannot access the World Wide Web, send email to ; be sure to include your postal address so the club information can be mailed to you. There's also a Toastmasters newsgroup,

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