Toastmasters InternationalNI-Speechmeisters

NI-Speechmeisters Oath

I, (your name here), pledge my devotion and eternal commitment to the expansion of my oratory horizons through dedicated attendance at my very own NI-Speechmeisters bi-monthly club meetings. My goal, to become healthy, wealthy and wise in the art of public speaking, can and will be met through steady and unwavering efforts in my speech making program, positive reinforcement and evaluation of my fellow Speechmeisters, and gleeful participation in tabletopics discussions. I wholeheartedly accept my place on board the voyages of the club, NI Speechmeisters; to boldly go where I was afraid to go before, to let no joke go untold in a public gathering, and to effectively eliminate all vestiges of "Ah", "Um", and "Ya know" from my speaking vocabulary.

To sign-up for a role or speaking slot at the next meeting:

Contact VP of PR: Keith Mungin

To sign-up for membership in Toastmasters:

Contact Secretary/Treasurer: LuTonya Ray


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