Club Officers
'98 Officers for NI-Speechmeisters:
President: Ryan McDonald. Ryan joined National Instruments in January 1992. Starting as an Applications Engineer, Ryan has moved to R&D, where he has helped take "G" into the industrial automation world with BridgeVIEW. Ryan joined Toastmasters in October 1993. In his first term as President, Ryan chairs meetings and supervises all other officers. He also plans the long and short term goals for club growth. Ryan has also previously served as VP of Education for two terms.
VP of Education: Kyle Gupton. Kyle has been with National Instruments since June 1994 as an Applications Engineer, supporting our customers and developing the first Software Showcase CD. He now works as a Software Engineer on the LabVIEW R&D team, responsible for the LabVIEW Test Executive. He joined Toastmasters in June of 1995. In his first term as VP of Education, Kyle schedules meeting assignments and works with members to see that their needs are met through the Communication and Leadership program, Speechcraft, and other educational programs. Kyle also previously served as Sergeant at Arms for two terms.
VP of Membership: Christian Loew. Christian started with National Instruments in March 1993, as an Application Engineer. After spending 2 years and 9 months in the LabWindows and DAQ groups, he has filled the role of the ComponentWare Product Support Engineer for the last two years. He is in his first term as Vice President of Membership. His duties are to plan, organize, and implement a continuos effort to ensure the Club maintains or exceeds a charter membership level of 20 or more.
VP of Public Relations: Keith Mungin. Keith has been with National Instruments since June 1996 as an Inside Sales Representative for the state of New Jersey. In his third term as the Vice President of Public Relations, which began in January 1997, Keith's job is to make sure club meeting listings appear in the media, post club announcements, and to write the Toastmaster articles for both the company news letter as well as the Speechmeisters Club Newsletter.
Secretary/Treasurer: Diane Slusher. Diane started with National Instruments in January 1994. She works as an Accounting Supervisor in our Finance Department. In her first term as Secretary, which began in January 1998. Her duties as secretary include ensuring the club membership dues are paid in a timely manner as well as submitting new membership paperwork, dues, and ordering supplies. Diane previously assisted Speechmeisters as an invaluable committee member.
Sergeant at Arms: LuTonya Ray. LuTonya Ray has been with National Instruments since April 1996. She works as the Inside Sales Representative for Eastern New York. LuTonya joined Toastmasters in August 1996. As Sergeant at Arms, LuTonya handles the meeting room, arrangements, greets guests, and arranges lunch. LuTonya also previously served as Secretary/Treasurer for two terms.
Former President: Sandy Garza. Sandy began with the National Instruments in August 1987 in customer service. Since then, she has held several marketing positions in the Publicity, Marketing Communications, and International Marketing groups. As of October 1st 1997, Sandy will be working at Dell Computer Corporation. However, she remained as NI-Speechmeisters club President through the end of the 1997 term. She joined Toastmasters in July 95 and quickly became Secretary of the club. As President, Sandy maintained the strength of the club while continuing the campaign for its long and short term goal of club growth.
Committee Members: Caroline Cook.